argan oil

Tips to Curb Hairfall Effectively!

Hair fall can be due to various reasons. Stress, lifestyle and even health issues could be one of the many reasons. Want to know how to curb hair fall effectively and naturally?

There are many pricey treatment programs and hair products that claim to curb hair fall and promote hair growth. But do they really do that? Are they natural? Are they affordable? These are just a few questions that would come to our minds. Right?

Argan OIl

But you don’t have to go through all that, as you can very well curb hair loss with a few simple and affordable changes. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

Eat protein and iron rich food and ensure you get adequate micronutrients, including Zinc, Magnesium, etc. A healthy and nutritious food is very important for healthy hair. Hair fall is often due to nutritional deficiency or insufficiency. So, make sure you have all the required nutrients in your food and concentrate on getting nutrients that matter more for hair health.

Don’t wash your hair more than 2 times a week. It can make your hair week and increase hair fall. On the other hand, don’t put a lot of duration between washes and ensure your hair is washed at least once a week!

Stop using styling products and tools on your hair and avoid using hair color or heat! All these damage your hair and promote hair fall. You want to nourish, repair and rejuvenate your hair – if you want hair fall to recede! Styling is counterproductive to that goal, as it damages your hair. Stop or keep it to a minimum!

Water is important for healthy and happy hair. So make sure you have enough water, every day.

Use natural hair care products and mild, sulphate free shampoos for washing your hair. Chemical-laden “hair care products” do more harm than good. So, avoid them at all costs!

Natural treatments work wonders for hair fall. When you opt for natural treatments, the options are many. But remember – different individuals have different results with the remedies. So, try and find what works for you best. For example: Onion, Aloe Vera, Henna, Fenugreek, Egg White, Margosa, Indian Gooseberry, Potato, Hibiscus, Curry Leaves, Lemon Juice and what not, there are many different natural remedies that curb hair fall effectively.

But, it is important to understand that natural remedies work based on one’s body type, reason for hair fall, climatic conditions one resides in, etc. So, pick what works for you. Hibiscus, Henna or even Lemon (at times) are not suitable remedies for those with cold or sinus related problems couldn’t really use it often!

On the other hand, Curry Leaves, Margosa Leaves, Beets or even Coconut Milk are fairly neutral and can be used internally, or externally with wonderful results. The key with natural remedies is choosing what works for YOU! But once you identify that, nothing beats it!

Oil Massage is one of the best ways to nourish, moisturize and keep your hair shiny and healthy! Depending on where you stay, what’s suitable and what you prefer, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Argan Oil, Castor Oil or even Jojoba Oil are a few options. Also, hair beneficial infused oils, or highly nutritious oils can be added to these oils, to make them better. For example, Vitamin E Oil even a few drops to your hair oil can make your hair a lot more healthier, Neem Oil can prevent scalp problems and also make hair healthy, Flaxseed Oil is nutrient rich and nourishes your hair, etc.

Don’t have time to prepare your own hair care recipes? Try HY Vitamins Argan Oil based Hair Care products – they’re natural, salt, sulphate and alcohol free and are the best you can ever find for your hair!

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