Natural Remedies for Promoting Hair Growth

Hair fall and reduced hair growth have become increasingly common with both men and women. It could be due to stress, genetics, health or even poor hair care habits. Here are few tips and remedies that will help promote healthy hair growth and curb hair fall. Ready?

Lotus Leaves

Lotus Leaves are really good for improving hair growth and is a traditional medicine suggested for hair growth in India. Just take 10 – 12 lotus leaves and heat them over a stovetop. Make sure the heat is at its lowest setting. The extract that oozes out during this heating process should be taken and mixed with Sesame Oil. Heat it up till it blends in and use the oil regularly to improve hair growth.

Soap Nut

Take equal quantity of soap nut, fenugreek and hibiscus flowers. You can dry the hibiscus flowers in the shade and grind the three ingredients to a fine powder. Use this for washing your hair for healthy, soft and lustrous hair. It also promotes healthy hair growth.

Aloe Vera

In a liter of Coconut Oil, add six spoons of fenugreek powder and 200 ml Aloe Vera juice and heat it in a thick-bottomed pan. When the moisture is fully removed and the ingredients are blended, filter and store in a glass bottle. Use it regularly for promoting hair growth.

Curry Leaves

Aloe Vera isn’t the only option for hair growth. There are many herbs you can try, though Curry Leaves is popular and also, affordable. They’re available quite easily, too. Just grab a 3 – 5 handfuls of Curry Leaves, or 200 Gms of Curry Leaves powder for a liter of Coconut Oil. Heat till the curry leaves are fully infused into the oil and use it regularly for promoting hair growth.

Hibiscus Leaves

Prepare a paste with fresh hibiscus leaves and water. Apply this paste to your scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes, before washing off with cold water. Use a mild shampoo or herbal hair wash like the one suggested earlier. This stops hair fall and also prevents premature graying.

Hibiscus for Hair


Apply a mixture of egg white and olive oil to your scalp and wash off after 15 – 20 minutes, to promote healthy hair growth.

Sesame Oil

Do you applying warm sesame oil to your scalp every night can promote healthier hair and improve your hair growth? Just warm up sesame oil and massage it into your scalp for best results.

Indian Gooseberry

Not only are gooseberries rich in Vitamin C, they’re a treat for your hair and scalp. If you want healthy and happy hair, Gooseberries are one way to get it. Either grind fresh Gooseberries or use dried Gooseberry powder. If you use dried Gooseberry powder, use 50 – 100 gms for ½ liter.

Add the ground Gooseberry paste of 15 – 20 Gooseberries to ½ Liter of Coconut Oil and bring it to a boil. Let it sit in low flame till the moisture is fully removed and filter the oil and use it for your hair and scalp everyday or at least, twice a week. This will improve hair growth, stop hair fall and give you healthier and lustrous hair. What more do you need?

These are few simple herbal remedies you can try for healthy hair. Some also prevent premature greying, hair fall and also improve your hair and scalp health and keep it nourished and moisturized. Don’t have time for DIY recipes? Try HY Vitamins Argan Hair Care Range instead for A – Z hair care.

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