argan oil for hair care

Hair Care Tips for This Winter

Much like your skin, your scalp and hair also need special care during winters. Dry and itchy scalp and dull and lifeless hair are a result of inadequate moisture. Want to know how to protect your hair and scalp during harsh winters? During winters my hair is left dry and lifeless, if I am little busy and forget to care for it. Want to know what I do to keep my locks stunning as ever?

Use a Hair Conditioner

Use a hair conditioner to reclaim your hair’s luster and shine. Conditioners have special ingredients that seal in moisture and make your hair shine.  Depending on what conditioner you choose, it can also nourish your hair.

Use Hair Oil

Your scalp can be left dry and itchy during winters. Make sure you apply a good hair oil to keep your scalp moisturized, nourished and free from itching.

Oil Massage

Have you ever tried giving your scalp a nice oil massage? This helps nourish, moisturize and also, improves your hair growth. However, you can skip this if you don’t want to leave oil in your scalp longer. Or, you can just massage and wash off after 15 minutes.

argan oil for hair care


Cover Up

Use a scarf to protect your hair from harsh winters. It can prevent hair being ripped off moisture; though make sure it is loose and not very tight.

Say NO to Hot Water Showers

This is fairly well known. Don’t use very hot water on your hair. It rips moisture off your hair. Water that’s neither hot nor cold is ideal. However, you can use lukewarm water if you don’t want cool water.

Say NO to Dryers

Do you use dryer to dry your hair? Stop using hair dryer, or reduce its usage. Even if you must use it due to lack of time, use it without heat. Using hair dryer can rip off moisture and leave your hair dry and damaged. Use a protective product if you must use a dryer. Whenever you can, air-dry your hair.


Minimize Styling

Don’t use curling irons or other hair styling equipment and products. Styling products like hair color or hair spray though look like they help with different dos; they leave your hair damaged in the long run. Reduce their usage and if you must, use a protective product like a Styling Cream to reduce or offset damage.


Trimming your ends every few weeks helps eliminate split ends naturally. However, make sure the scissors you use is sharp. More often, split ends make your hair look dry and damaged. By trimming them at regular intervals, you can reclaim your locks. Though split ends do not have a cure, it can be effectively curbed and eliminated with trimming.

Flaky Scalp

Flaky scalp and dandruff are a very important problem and leaves one embarrassed often. Excessive dryness is one main trigger factor for dandruff or flaky scalp. Use a good anti-dandruff shampoo or rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar after hair wash to reduce and curb dandruff.  Tea Tree Essential Oil in your shampoo or hair oil can help curb itchy or flaky scalp and dandruff.

Use a Good Comb

Use a detangling comb, if you have frizzy hair. Those with curly hair and long locks have frizzy hair very regularly. This is more common during winters. Use a wide-toothed comb for detangling and use a comb that’s suitable for your hair type. This helps prevent breakage of hair. A wooden comb is the best, though you can use wide-toothed comb if you don’t get wooden ones.

Hair Mask

Hair masks are a good way to nourish and pamper your hair. Though not many use hair masks, winters are a time when hair needs extra care and nourishment. That’s why hair masks are a great idea during winter.

Every person’s requirements are different, but it is easy to strike a balance and find what works best with a few trials. Though it is quite tricky to care for your hair during winters, it isn’t impossible. You could try these simple tips for welcome relief from bad hair days. However, if you are not able to choose the right hair care products, you can consult a specialist for guidance. You can get ideas on the right hair care products and follow their advice thereafter.

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