DIY Conditioning Hair Masks

Conditioners are really needed as hair and scalp are stripped off of moisture and essential nutrients and oils hen using a shampoo, or washing off hair. One way to restore hair’s nourishment and luster is using a conditioner.

Do you know hair can become rough, and look lifeless without a good conditioning to restore hair’s lost glory and shine? Here are few conditioning masks you can try for stunning, healthy and shiny hair.

Egg Mask

Egg is a very widely used ingredient in both skin and hair care. Composed chiefly or protein and essential fatty acids, eggs can do wonders to strengthen and nourish hair. Take a whole egg along with a spoon of Argan Oil and 2 Tbsps. of Jojoba Oil or any carrier oil that you use regularly. Mix well and apply this mixture on your hair and scalp. Wash off after 25 minutes with cold or tepid water and shower with a mild shampoo.

Banana Hair Masks

Rich in Vitamins and Potassium, Bananas make masks as they nourish and moisturize your tresses. It also leaves your hair smooth and soft and considered very good for dry or damaged hair.

Mash a ripe banana or two (if you have longer hair) along with a spoon each of Honey, Argan Oil and Coconut Oil. Mix well and apply on your hair. Let it sit for a 15 minutes before washing off.

Another option is to use Milk with Banana. Take 2 Tbsps. of Whole Milk, mashed Banana(s) (according to your length) and a spoon of Argan Oil and apply to your hair. Wait for 15 minutes before washing off.

Oil Massage

One of the easiest and best way to deep condition your hair is using hot oil to massage your scalp and nourish your hair. Warm up ½ cup of Coconut Oil with a spoon of Argan Oil and Vitamin E Oil. Gently massage this oil mixture to your hair and scalp and cover your head with a hot towel. Wait for 25 minutes at least before you wash off your hair.

Yogurt Hair Mask

Rich in probiotics, Yogurt is another wonderful ingredient for hair and skin care. You can use Yogurt in your hair masks for good results and this is one such pack that uses Yogurt.

Take ¼ Cup of Yogurt, 1 Egg Yolk, 1 spoon each of Lemon Rind Powder and Argan Oil. Mix well and apply to your hair and scalp. Wait for 25 minutes before washing off.

Mayonnaise Hair Mask

I suggest you prepare your own Mayo if you can for this recipe to keep it as close to the ingredients we need for the mask – Egg, Oil and Vinegar. We don’t want harsh chemicals and preservatives so go with organic ones or prepare your own batch for this mask.

You will need ½ – 1 Cup of Mayonnaise, a spoon of Argan Oil and few drops of Essential Oil of our choice. Apply the mixture to your hair and wait for 25 minutes before washing off. Make sure you stick to the hair only if your scalp is oily.

So, what mask are you picking to pamper your hair this weekend? Like always, feel free to write back to us for your questions, comments and feedback. Have you tried HY Vitamins Hair Care Range yet?

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