DIY Aloe Vera Recipes for Hair

We recently saw how Aloe Vera can help you get healthy and shiny hair and problem-free scalp. Here are few Hair Care Recipes using Aloe Vera, as promised.

Aloe Vera & Egg Mask for Hair Growth

In a mixing bowl, add ¼ Cup of Aloe Vera Gel, 2 Egg Yolks and a 2 – 3 Tbsp. of Olive Oil. Whip to combine the ingredients and apply on your scalp and hair, spreading the mixture evenly using a comb. Don’t forget the tips or the roots. Let it sit for 30 – 45 minutes. Shampoo & Condition as usual.


Aloe Vera for Dry & Frizzy Hair

In a mixing bowl, add ¼ Cup of Aloe Vera Gel, 2 Tbsp. each of Yogurt, Olive Oil and Honey. Mix the ingredients to combine and apply as a mask. Massage your scalp for a few minutes after apply and wash off with lukewarm water after half hour. This mask can be used once a week and restores hair’s lost moisture, sheen and shine.

Aloe Vera for Deep Conditioning

We’ve already mentioned just apply Aloe Vera on your scalp and strands will help with conditioning. For deep conditioning, you can do this: In a mixing bowl, take ¼ Cup of Aloe Vera Gel and 2 Tbsp. of Olive Oil and mix well. Apply this on your scalp and hair. Massage gently for a few minutes and wrap your head with a warm, wet towel. Wash off after 45 minutes.

If you want a leave-in conditioner, you can blend a spoon of Aloe Vera Gel with an Oz. of water in your blender and spray the mixture on your strands.

Aloe Vera & Onion Mask for Curbing Hair Fall

In a mixing bowl, add ¼ Cup of Aloe Vera gel. Juice an onion and add the extracted juice to the Aloe Vera Gel and mix well. Apply this on your scalp and wait for an hour before washing off.

Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil Mask for Dandruff

Dandruff? No problem! To a bowl, add ¼ Cup of Aloe Vera and 3 Tbsp. of Coconut Oil and heat it. Make sure you keep the temperature on the lowest setting, or simmer it. When the mixture begins to heat up, stir and when combined, remove from heat and let it cool down. Massage the mixture to your scalp when it is warm and let it sit for up to 3 hours. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera & Neem Mask for Dandruff

Is your dandruff stubborn? Does it keep popping up, in spite of repeated masks and remedial measures? Try this instead: In a mixing bowl, add 4 Tbsp. of Aloe Vera Gel, 1 Tsp. of Argan Oil and 2 Tbsp. of Neem Oil and mix well. Apply this mixture on your scalp and massage for a few minutes. Wrap your head with a shower cap or head wrap and leave it overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water. Do this twice a week and then once in two weeks, to keep dandruff at bay.

These are just a few ways to use Aloe Vera for hair and scalp problems. That’s not all! We will be adding few more Aloe Recipes that you can use. In the meantime, keep us posted with your results for our DIY Recipes and Remedies. Don’t have time for them? Try HY Vitamins Hair Care Range for healthy scalp and stunning locks.

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