DIY Aloe Vera Recipes for Hair

So, we’ve already seen a lot about Aloe Vera in our Ingredient Spotlight recently. Now, let’s look at how to use Aloe Vera for hair care. Shall we?

Grey Hair?

Juice a few Indian Gooseberries and leave the juice in an iron vessel for a night. Next morning, grind Aloe Vera Leaves to a fine paste and mix it with the Gooseberry juice. Apply this mixture once a day or a week and when the mixture is over, prepare a fresh batch. Do this every week for about 3 months. You will start noticing good difference by then.

Aloe Vera

Itchy Scalp?

Cut open an Aloe Leaf and rub it onto your scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes and shower as usual.

Greasy Hair?

Take a couple of Aloe Vera leaves and remove the gel from it. Grind it to a gel adding Lemon Juice from ½ Lemon. Now, add this to your shampoo and apply to your hair and massage for a minute. Wait for 10 minutes and rinse off.

Split Ends?

Take a few spoons of Aloe Vera Gel along with juice from a Lemon and enough Olive Oil. Mix well and when you get a paste that’s runny but well combined, apply to your hair. Let it sit for half hour and wash off as usual.

Want Defined Curls?

Now worries. Once you’ve washed your hair, apply Aloe Vera Gel on your hair. Now, scrunch up your hair. Done!

Use a Styling Serum?

Do you know you can get shiny and lustrous hair without all those fancy and chemical-laden styling products? Yes, just apply a spoon of Aloe Vera gel on your hair and see how shiny it looks!

Want to Wash Your Hair?

When you hair is rough or brittle, it is hard to wash your hair and come out unscathed. Worry not! Take a couple of Aloe Vera leaves and remove the gel from it. Add 2 spoons of Honey and a spoon of ACV and blend well. Now, use this instead of your shampoo and your hair and scalp will thank you!

Frizzy Hair?

Take a spoon of Coconut Oil, ¼ cup each of Aloe Gel and Yogurt and mix well. Apply on your hair and let it sit for half hour. Wash off and let it air dry.

Dry Hair?

Mix together equal quantities Aloe Vera Gel and Almond Oil – you can take enough quantity for your hair. Apply this on your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes. Wash off and style as usual.


Aloe Vera can moisturize and dry scalp, hence a good way to get rid of pesky dandruff flakes. You can apply Aloe Vera directly on your scalp, though I love combining it with Neem Oil for better results. I let it sit for 30 minutes before washing off.

Hair Loss?

Rich in nutrients that enrich scalp and hair roots, Aloe Vera can rejuvenate your hair follicles and curb hair thinning. It also prevents hair loss and promotes better hair growth. I like using it with Onions and a dash of Pepper as a mask, and also add it to my hair oil.

Don’t have time for these DIY Recipes? Try HY Vitamins Hair Care Range for stunning locks.

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